Zeteo: Laity for the Kingdom seeks to mobilize the laity in order to build up healthy Catholic culture within individual lives, within home life, within the parish, within the city, and beyond. By following God’s call to reach a hurting world and by raising personal support, those who join Zeteo full time will have a unique opportunity to focus their resources on building the Kingdom of God. Others will join with Zeteo part time or as volunteers to build up the Catholic community at a grass roots level, work together to reach the city strategically for the Lord, or extend the riches of the Catholic spiritual tradition.

Interior Growth

The Catholic spiritual tradition is rich with inspiration and guidance for the soul’s journey to God. It can help us to overcome sin, grow in virtue, advance in prayer, undergo purgation, accept suffering, and deepen in our understanding of the supernatural. Making the journey to sainthood accessible to all people is one of the primary goals of Zeteo.

Local Missions

The world is hungry for lasting happiness, unshakeable peace, transcendent joy, real fulfillment, and truth that can set people free. Most people are open to deep conversation and being challenged to something greater if they are approached with humility, goodwill, and respect. A major focus of Zeteo is to train Catholics to meaningfully connect with non-Catholics and to create relationships that reach out to every corner of the community.

Homeschool Discipleship Academy

Building a Catholic culture that seeks God in all things and transmitting it effectively to the youngest members of the faith is another fundamental focus of Zeteo. The Homeschool Discipleship Academy is a ministry that strengthens students academically and in the faith by reinforcing the social dimension of learning and spiritual growth. 

Spiritual Direction

Catholic tradition holds that one on one guidance is crucial for safely navigating the interior life. It is widely acknowledged that in our times there is a lack of experienced and competent guides, but we are committed to joining the growing movement which seeks to address this problem. Zeteo will provide spiritual direction, promote the training of spiritual directors, and seek to make spiritual directors more readily available for all those seeking a closer relationship with God. 


To know God is eternal life. To gaze upon him and know him transforms us. Zeteo provides formation opportunities through many different formats including retreats, classes, and video courses. Topics include the spiritual life, theology, Scripture, and the lives of the saints.

Media and Resources

Zeteo will provide a number of resources to help young and old connect more deeply to the faith. These resources will cover a number of topics such as Scripture, dogmatic theology, spiritual theology, and the lives of the saints. They will come in a number of forms including books, children’s books, charts, maps, timelines, videos, songs, poems, and artwork.

Edify Mental Health

Edify Mental Health is the mental health branch of Zeteo. It is able to offer counseling services that are compatible with a Catholic view of the human person. Edify will also contribute, through research projects, to the developing integration of mental health practice with the riches of Catholic thought.